wonderful work 在 #Podcast EP28│從憂鬱文青到跨領域創作者!From gloomy hipster to cross-disciplinary creator! 的影片資訊
歡迎光臨~我是樂筆! 這幾年陸續接了數場校園演講,從攝影、創作、短影片、行銷到信仰分享都有,雖然至今仍然不是很厲害的講員,但很開心透過這些分享認識到很多很棒的人,也因此不斷整理自己:我在做什麼?為什...
歡迎光臨~我是樂筆! 這幾年陸續接了數場校園演講,從攝影、創作、短影片、行銷到信仰分享都有,雖然至今仍然不是很厲害的講員,但很開心透過這些分享認識到很多很棒的人,也因此不斷整理自己:我在做什麼?為什...
A huge throwback video of our usual class with some fun song. Special work out. United we jam. Once ...
Đây chính là video mà mình đã ấp ủ bao lâu để làm cho các bạn nữ nè! Mình sẽ chia sẻ từ những chuyện...
Day 1 of Quarantine. I landed yesterday in my hometown, Kuching, and a 14-day quarantine before I ...
I am so excited to talk to the wonderful Lina Vasquez today! Lina and I realised we have a lot in co...
◆こっタソ動物園チャンネル 新しいチャンネルです!こちらもおヒマな時にどぞ。 ⇒https://www.youtube.com/c/こっタソ動物園-kottasoanimals ご視聴ありがとうござ...
Prod by Plantakwa This is available on All your streaming platform now. main lagu ni kat spotify :D...
Cal Newport(卡爾‧紐波特)是暢銷書Deep Work《深度工作力》的作者 他本身也是喬治城大學的教授 ►Special thanks to Tom Bilyeu for this won...
Dog Supplement Recommendation: Search "Zesty Paws" on Amazon - I trust and love this brand. You'll h...
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